1. 1
    Zhongguo dian ying chan ye yan jiu bao gao. The research report on Chinese film industry /
    中国电影产业研究报告. Research report on Chinese film industry /
    Published 2010
    ...Zhongguo dian ying chu ban she,...
  2. 2
    Zhongguo dian ying chan ye yan jiu bao gao. The research report on Chinese film industry /
    中国电影产业研究报告. Research report on Chinese film industry /
    Published 2012
    ...Zhongguo dian ying chu ban she,...
  3. 3
    Zhongguo dian ying chan ye yan jiu bao gao. Research report on Chinese film industry /
    中国电影产业研究报告. Research report on Chinese film industry /
    Published 2011
    ...Zhongguo dian ying chu ban she,...