Nauru, one hundred years ago / written by Alois Kayser ; translated by Anna Blum.

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Bibliographic Details
Published: Nauru : Suva, Fiji : University of the South Pacific Centre ; Institute of Pacific Studies, University of the South Pacific, 2002-<2005>
Main Author:
Format: Book
Table of Contents:
  • 1. General Remarks on the Pandanus
  • 2. Making of the Edano
  • 3. Making of the Ekareba
  • Appendix: Clothing, loincloth (unun).

  • 2. FISH
  • I. Tackle A. Fishing line, earu
  • 1. Hibiscus bast line, emang
  • a. Preparation of the raw material
  • b. Processing of the strips
  • 2. Fishing line made from coconut fibre, eanakaba
  • a. Preparation of the raw material, itsinni
  • b. Production of the single, thin fishing line
  • c. Production of the rope, ergo
  • B. Canoe: eoquo
  • 1. Production
  • a. Workers
  • b. Materials
  • c. Tools
  • d. Processing of the individual pieces
  • e. Mounting of the canoe
  • f. Launching
  • g. Value
  • 2. Types
  • a. The common canoe
  • b. Tebaurua
  • c. Aquon gorutsi
  • C. Fish hook, eoa
  • 1. Common hook
  • 2. Wooden hook
  • 3. Coconut shell hook
  • 4. Hook made from human bones
  • 5. Spoon bait, ekow
  • D. Sinker, pin anowar
  • E. Nets, iw
  • 1. Ikibon
  • a. Long-stemmed hand net
  • b. Short-stemmed hand net
  • 2. Ellipse net, ikibon kumo
  • 3. Fork net, ekebanogi
  • 4. Trail net, uquan
  • 5. Trawling net, iw
  • 6. Akaworik net, iw
  • 7. Plate net, in
  • F. Harpoon
  • II. Fishing General information
  • A. Eanowar, fishing at sea
  • 1. Fishing with line, hook, and sinker
  • a. Difficult catch
  • 1. Shark hunting, ebawo
  • aa. Hunting the hammerhead shark, gob
  • bb. Imuiwadudu, blue shark
  • cc. Erane
  • dd. Ebawo kumo, centrina shark
  • ee. Eaimer, great white shark
  • ff. Ebowaiji
  • gg. Jebur, narwhal
  • hh. Imuijeb
  • ii-mm. Oeu, teigauriria, emumue, enane, ebeowibeow
  • nn. Anonymous shark
  • ii. Catching the purge fish: eaeoquor
  • b. Easy catch
  • i. Method etat oa
  • ii. Method I t'ouda
  • aa. Hooks are attached to the line
  • bb. Eiror
  • 1 ) With a stick
  • 2) With two crossed sticks
  • 3) With a ring
  • cc. Method oanan
  • dd. Method ekatimor
  • ee. Method ekaeo
  • ff. Method i ta oa
  • 2. Catch with rod, line, and ekow (spoon bait)
  • 3. Catch with rod and sling
  • 4. Catch with the net
  • a. Catch with the trail net, uquan
  • b. Catch with the dipper, ikibon
  • c. Catch with the flat net, gogo
  • 5. Catch with the buoy rod, kudama
  • B. Io, fishing
  • 1. At sea
  • a. Io touwadouwa
  • b. lo tenauror
  • 2. Directly behind the outer reef, io upo
  • 3. In the surf
  • 4. On the reef
  • a. With the rod, line, and hook
  • b. With the rod, line, and frigate bird's tendon
  • c. With the rod, line, and tetawuit chord
  • 5. Egodu, diving
  • a. General information
  • 1. Methods
  • aa. Diving with the sling stick, ima
  • bb. Diving with the spike, etebab
  • cc. Diving with a short, sharpened stick
  • dd. Diving with a short stick, short line and hook
  • ee. Diving with the folding net, ao
  • ff. Diving with the line and hook, taumet
  • gg. Diving with the short-stemmed dipper
  • hh. Diving with the trail net
  • ii. Wrestling on the sea bed, oana
  • jj. Diving with the long line and hook
  • kk. Diving with the net, ekebanogi
  • ll. Diving for tebura
  • mm. Diving for ena
  • nn. Diving for Tridacna, arenibawo
  • C. Erao, catch with the fish basket
  • 1. Catch with the large basket
  • a. Origin of the basket
  • b. Manufacture of the basket
  • 1. Preparation
  • aa. Preparing the material
  • bb. Production of the inner chamber
  • 11. Catch
  • aa. Separation of the fishermen
  • bb. Transporting the baskets
  • cc. Departure for the catch, ekabuedw
  • dd. Collecting the baskets
  • ee. Returning with the catch
  • ff. Treatment of the fish at home
  • gg. Obstacles of the catch
  • 2. Catch with the small basket
  • D. lbia, catching and breeding of the ibia
  • 1. Equipment
  • 2. Catching the hatch on the reef
  • 3. The lagoon in Buada
  • a. Planting the hatch in the Buada lagoon
  • b. Catching the ibia in the Buada lagoon
  • 4. Treatment of the fish at home
  • 5. The ibia's value on Nauru
  • E. Wrestling on the reef
  • 1. Erom
  • 2. Eor
  • 3. Edereidabug
  • 4. Ebako
  • 5. Tobonaro.

  • I. Games
  • 1. Ball games
  • 2. Spear throwing
  • 3. Nut throwing or hitting
  • 4. Hitting coconut husks
  • 5. Throwing with coconut blossom buds
  • 6. Throwing glowing ibiter
  • 7. Shooting with the wind rifle
  • 8. Wrestling
  • 9. Fist fighting
  • 10 Slinging
  • 11. High jumping
  • 12. Top spinning
  • 13. Ball game
  • 14. Throwing bone pieces
  • 15. Swinging game
  • 16. Singing festival
  • 17. Throwing mud balls
  • 18. Catching sticks
  • 19. Atar ibirib
  • 20. Screaming
  • 21. Bagu-bagu
  • 22. Enibarara
  • 23. Uquq ibiter
  • 24. Finger games
  • II. Bird Sports
  • A. The Frigate Bird
  • 1. Preparing for the Catch
  • 2. Taming the Frigate Bird
  • 3. Catching the Frigate Bird
  • 4. Significance of the Frigate Bird on Nauru
  • 5. Eoror, fencing in the women
  • 6. Eoror, property of the Erana
  • B. Capturing the digiduba: Strepsilas
  • C. The tarar catch (Anous)
  • D. Tegiegia, white gulls
  • E. Ederakui
  • II. Akurenoe, large dragonflies
  • III. Animal fights as a sport
  • A. Akake tomo, cock fight
  • B. Akake kumo, pig fight
  • C. Akake ikimago, fish fight
  • D. Akake towaeae, dragonfly fight.