The Times law reports.

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Nou títol:Times law reports and commercial cases
Títol anterior:Reports of commercial cases
Publicat: London : G.E. Wright, [1885-1951]
Format: Publicació Periòdica
Descripció física:67 v. ; 25-28 cm.
Publicat:Vol. 1 (1884-85)-v. 66 (1950) ; 1951, [pt. 1]
Other Title:
Nou títol:Times law reports and commercial cases
Títol anterior:Reports of commercial cases
Notes:Some reports have title: Annual digest of The Times law reports.
Description based on: Vol. 1 (1884-85); title from vol. t.p.
Published by: J.P. Bland, 1908-1917; by: Times Pub. Co., 1918-1951.
Vols. for 1950-1951 issued in 2 pts.
Bib#: 19571