Title Author Format Year of Publication Results
Vepsän rahvhan sarnad = Vepsskie narodnye skazki / [sostaviteli, N.F. Onegina i M.I. Zaĭt︠s︡eva].   Book 1996 1
Vepsskie narodnye skazki   Book 1996 1
Vera Baxter. Duras, Marguerite Book 1980 1
Vera Baxter, ou, Les plages de l'Atlantique / Marguerite Duras. Duras, Marguerite Book 1980 1
Vera Brittain / Hilary Bailey. Bailey, Hilary, 1936- Book 1987 1
Vera Brittain : a feminist life / Deborah Gorham. Gorham, Deborah Book 1996 1
Vera Brittain : a life / Paul Berry and Mark Bostridge. Berry, Paul, 1919- Book 1995 1
Vera Drake [videorecording] / Fine Line Features ; Studio Canal ; UK Film Council ; Alain Sarde and the UK Film Council present in association with Inside Track, Thin Man Films ; a Simon Channing Williams production ; a film by Mike Leigh ; producer, Alain Sarde ; produced by Simon Channing Williams ; written & directed by Mike Leigh.   Video
2005 1
De vera nobilitate / Kritisch hrsg. und eingeleitet von Manfred Lentzen. Landino, Cristoforo, 1424-1504 Book 1970 1
Vera Panova : ocherk tvorchestva / Z. Boguslavskai︠a︡. Boguslavskai︠a︡, Zoi︠a︡ Borisovna Book 1963 1
Vera Sudeikin-Stravinsky   Book 1995 1
Vera Vera Vera / by Hayley Squires. Squires, Hayley Book 2012 1
Veracini and his contemporaries : continuo sonatas for violin / edited by Jane Adas ; introduction by Jaap Schroder.   Musical Score
1991 1
Veranderungen 1774-1794 [i. e. siebzehnhundertvierundsiebzig bis siebzehnhundertvierundneunzig] : Goethe, Jacobi und der Kreis von Munster : eine Ausstellung des Goethe-Museums Dusseldorf Anton-und-Katharina-Kippenberg-Stiftung : Dusseldorf, 21. Juli bis 27, Oktober 1974 im Goethe-Museum, Stuttgart, 12. Januar bis 23. Februar 1975 in der Stadtbucherei, Wilhelmspalais, Munster, 20. April bis 1. Juni 1975 im Landesmuseum fur Kunst und Kulturgeschichte : Katalog / hrsg. von Jorn Gores.   Book 1974 1
Die Veranlagung der malaiischen Volker des ostindischen Archipels, erlautert an ihren industriellen Erzeugnissen. Nieuwenhuis, Anton Willem, 1864- Book 1913 1
Verb classification in Australian languages / by William B. McGregor. McGregor, William Book 2002 1
Verb first : on the syntax of verb-initial languages / edited by Andrew Carnie, Shiela Ann Dooley-Collberg, Heidi Harley.   Book 2005 1
Verb-focused language intervention for late talkers : a single-subject experimental design : a thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Speech and Language Sciences, Department of Communication Disorders, University of Canterbury / by Charmain Larnay Moyle. Moyle, Charmain Larnay Thesis
Verb forms of the Taittirīya Brāhmaṇa / by H. S. Ananthanarayana. Ananthanarayana, H. S. Book 1970 1
The verb in contemporary English : theory and description / edited by Bas Aarts and Charles F. Meyer.   Book 1995 1