Title Author Format Year of Publication Results
Pope / Brean S. Hammmond. Hammond, Brean S., 1951- Book 1986 1
Pope / Ian Jack. Jack, Ian Robert James Book 1954 1
Pope / edited and introduced by Brean Hammond.   Book 1996 1
Pope and bishops : the papal monarchy in the twelfth and thirteenth centuries / Kenneth Pennington. Pennington, Kenneth Book 1984 1
Pope and Devil : the Vatican's archives and the Third Reich / Hubert Wolf ; translated by Kenneth Kronenberg. Wolf, Hubert Book 2010 1
Pope and Horace : studies in imitation / Frank Stack. Stack, Frank Book 1985 1
Pope and human nature. Tillotson, Geoffrey Book 1958 1
Pope and the Augustan stage / Malcolm Goldstein. Goldstein, Malcolm Book 1958 1
Pope and the context of controversy : the manipulation of ideas in An essay on man / [by] Douglas H. White. White, Douglas H., 1929- Book 1970 1
The Pope and the Council / by Janus [pseud.] authorized translation from the German. Dollinger, Johann Joseph Ignaz von, 1799-1890 Book 1869 1
The Pope and the Duce : the international impact of the Lateran agreements / Peter C. Kent. Kent, Peter C., 1938- Book 1981 1
Pope and the early eighteenth-century book trade / David Foxon ; revised and edited by James McLaverty. Foxon, D. F. (David Fairweather) Book 1991 1
Pope and the heroic tradition : a critical study of his Iliad. Knight, Douglas M., 1921- Book 1969 1
A Pope chronology / Reginald Berry. Berry, Reginald Book 1988 1
Pope Gregory 7th Cowdrey, H. E. J. (Herbert Edward John) Book 1998 1
Pope Gregory VII : 1073-1085 / H.E.J. Cowdrey. Cowdrey, H. E. J. (Herbert Edward John) Book 1998 1
The Pope, his banker, and Venice / Felix Gilbert. Gilbert, Felix, 1905- Book 1980 1
Pope Innocent 3 and his world   Book 1999 1
Pope Innocent III / by Helene Tillmann ; translated by Walter Sax. Tillmann, Helene, 1896- Book 1980 1
Pope Innocent III and England / Christopher R. Cheney. Cheney, C. R. (Christopher Robert), 1906- Book 1976 1