Title Author Format Year of Publication Results
Catalogue illustre des peintures : ecole francaise, XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles.   Book 1974 1
Catalogue-index of the Tibetan Buddhist canons   Book 1934 1
Catalogue inventaire de la peinture ancienne / Musees royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique, Departement d'art ancien.   Book 1984 1
Catalogue inventaire de la peinture moderne / Musees royaux des beaux-arts de Belgique, Departement d'art moderne.   Book 1984 1
Catalogue : Members' mixed media exhibition, March, 1973, as part of the Festival of Wellington.   Book 1973 1
Catalogue, Museum of Musical Instruments, Musashino Academiae Musicae.   Book 1969 1
Catalogue, National Art Gallery of N.S.W.   Book 1906 1
Catalogue of 1,100 volumes : rare and valuable collection of early works, newspapers, and pamphlets on New Zealand, dating from 1777 to 1913....   Book 1913 1
Catalogue of 1068 "intermediate" stars situated between 51 and 65 south declination for the equinox 1900..   Book 1921 1
Catalogue of 16 mm. films and filmloops and 35 mm. filmstrips   Book 1954
A catalogue of 1625 stars : between 39 and 41 south declination for the equinox 1900.0 selected as reference points for the astrographic catalogue, and distributed approximately at the rate of three per square degree. From Observations made at Perth Observatory, Western Australia, under the direction of W. Ernest Cooke.   Book 1908 1
A catalogue of 1849 stars with proper motions exceeding 0."5 annually. Luyten, Willem Jacob, 1899-1994 Book 1955 1
A catalogue of a further portion of a collection of ancient cabinet and gallery pictures : the property of a gentleman, deceased... which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Phillips... on Thursday, the 20th day of January, 1842... Phillips, auctioneer Book 1842 1
A catalogue of a further portion of the extensive collection of ancient pictures : of Allan Gilmore... which will be sold by auction, by R. Phillips... on Tuesday, the 14th of February, 1843... Phillips, auctioneer Book 1843 1
Catalogue of a loan collection of pictures from the National Gallery of New South Wales, Sydney, shown in the Art Gallery, Christchurch, New Zealand, April 14th-May 8th, 1937.   Book 1937 1
Catalogue of a maritime miscellany / Ian J. Farquhar. Farquhar, I. J. (Ian James), 1931- Book 1985 1
A catalogue of a portion of the valuable and extensive collection of ancient pictures : selected... by the late Allan Gilmore... which will be sold by auction, by Mr. Phillips... on Tuesday, the 12th of April, 1842... Phillips, auctioneer Book 1842 1
Catalogue of additions to the manuscripts in the British Museum in the years MDCCCLXXVI-MDCCCLXXXI.   Book 2020 1
Catalogue of all books, sermons, and pamphlets   Serial 1964 1
[Catalogue of an exhibition] January 15 - February 10, 1977 : proposed and curated by Tom Jimmerson and Helen N. Lewis.   Book 1978 1