Call Number (LC) Title Results
QD 325 .C712 Monosaccharides : their chemistry and their roles in natural products / 1
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QD 331 .A769 a Aromatic and heteroaromatic chemistry. 1
QD 331 .A769 c Aromatic compounds : Edited by H. Zollinger. 1
QD 331 .B135 The structures & reactions of the aromatic compounds / 1
QD 331 .B135 a Aromatic character and aromaticity / 1
QD 331 .C517 Aromaticity : an international symposium held at Sheffield on 6th-8th July 1966 / 1
QD 331 .D336 Aromatic substitution : nitration and halogenation / 1
QD 331 .F899 Ultraviolet spectra of aromatic compounds / 1
QD 331 .G238 Aromaticity / 1
QD 331 .G493 Non-benzenoid aromatic compounds / 1
QD 331 .G985 Carbocyclic ring expansion reactions / 1
QD 331 .H529 2002 Aromatic chemistry / 1
QD 331 .K83 Isomerization of aromatic compounds / 1
QD 331 .L673 Facts and theories of aromaticity : [By] David Lewis and David Peters. 1
QD 331 .M533 NMR of aromatic compounds / 1
QD 331 .M689 2002 Modern arene chemistry / 1
QD 331 .P441 Pericyclic reactions / 1
QD 331 .S132 Aromatic chemistry / 1
QD 331 .S367 Benzene. 1
QD 331 .S643 Bridged aromatic compounds / 1