Classification de la Bibliothèque du Congrès (LCC) Titre Résultats
NE 400 .S159 1972 A collector's guide to prints and printmakers from Dürer to Picasso / 1
NE 430 .F138 Face to face : a survey of artists' prints. 1
NE 430 .F138 1986 Face to face : a survey of artists' prints. 1
NE 430 .G394 The bite of the print : satire and irony in woodcuts, engravings, etchings, lithographs and serigraphs / 1
NE 430 .G619 2012 Master prints close-up / 1
NE 430 .I95 Prints and visual communication. 1
NE 430 .L743 Prints & drawings: a pictorial history / 1
NE 430 .L743 1976 Prints & drawings : a pictorial history / 1
NE 430 .P957 Prints / 1
NE 430 .W386 Great prints & printmakers / 1
NE 430 .W386 1977 Great prints & printmakers / 1
NE 430 .Z68 1956 The book of fine prints : an anthology of printed pictures and introduction to the study of graphic art in the West and the East / 1
NE 430 .Z68 p Prints and their creators : a world history: an anthology of printed pictures and introduction to the study of graphic art in the West and the East / 1
NE 430 .Z68 pr Prints : thirteen illustrated essays on the art of the print / 1
NE 440 .H662 Van Dyck and portrait engraving and etching in the seventeenth century. 1
NE 441 .M186 1975 Maestri incisori, '500-'700 : VII mostra-mercato dell'incisione antica e contemporanea sotto il patrocinio del Comune di Padova : Padova, 29 novembre-30 dicembre 1975. 1
NE 441 .M515 1975 Meisterwerke europäischer Graphik 15.-18. Jh. : aus dem Besitz des Kupferstichkabinettes Coburg : Ausstellung zur 200-Jahrfeier des Coburger Kupferstichkabinettes 1775-1975, 21. Dezember 1975 bis 13. Juni 1976, Kunstsammlungen der Veste Coburg / 1
NE 441.5 .R44 .L253 The Renaissance print, 1470-1550 / 1
NE 470 .S121 Modern prints & drawings : a guide to a better understanding of modern draughtsmanship. 1
NE 476 .A897 War and peace : an exhibition of seventeenth century etchings and engravings from the collection of Dr Walter Auburn of Auckland. 1