Luohkká (LC) Namahus Bohtosat
DG 233.8 .T481 King Servius Tullius : a historical synthesis / 1
DG 235 .C178 2004 The Cambridge Companion to the Roman Republic / 1
DG 235 .C899 1992 The Roman republic / 1
DG 235 .H842 Rome, republic and empire / 1
DG 235 .V571 2014 The high command in the Roman republic : the principle of the summum imperium auspiciumque from 509 to 19 BCE / 1
DG 235.2 .P769 1982 Politica e religione nel primo scontro tra Roma e l'Oriente / 1
DG 235.2 .S713 I rapporti romano-ceriti e l'origine della civitas sine suffragio. 1
DG 235.2 .S775 Staat und Staatlichkeit in der frühen römischen Republik : Akten eines Symposiums, 12.-15. Juli 1988, Freie Universität Berlin / 1
DG 238 .C5 .H925 2005 Appius Claudius Caecus : la République accomplie / 1
DG 241 .L761 Imperium Romanum : politics and administration / 1
DG 241 .N643 Rome et la conquete du monde mediterraneen 264-27 avant J.-C. / 1
DG 241.2 .B948 Politische Strategien der Optimaten in der spaten romischen Republik / 1
DG 241.2 .C345 I gruppi politici nel III secolo A.C / 1
DG 241.2 .E19 Senate and general : individual decision-making and Roman foreign relations, 264-194 B.C. / 1
DG 241.2 .E64 Personal enmity in Roman politics, 218-43 B.C / 1
DG 241.2 .F297 State, society, and popular leaders in mid-Republican Rome, 241-167 B.C. / 1
DG 241.2 .G886 The Hellenistic world and the coming of Rome / 1
DG 241.2 .L434 Leaders and masses in the Roman world : studies in honor of Zvi Yavetz / 1
DG 241.2 .M931 2001 Plebs and politics in the late Roman Republic / 1
DG 241.2 .P688 2008 Contested triumphs : politics, pageantry, and performance in Livy's Republican Rome / 1